Monday, June 24, 2013

Interstate 40

hello all! This is Miriam with a very quick update to let you know we're alive and well. updating has been dificult, we never seem to have both wi-fi and the energy to update at the same time. So I'm risking car sicknes and updating on the very flat and staight interstate 40 through Oklahoma. please forgive the grammar and spelling. so after ouir last post we spent three nights at mamoth caves and have some very colol stories to share from there. Last night we stayed inn Hot Springs AR. And our plan today has been to book it through tornado alley and get into the southwest as fast as we can.  So Rob has taken the challenge to drive as long as he can and we'll find somewhere to stay wherever we wind up. We left Oklahoma city an hour ago and are about three hours from Amarillo TX. So look for rt 40 and wish us swift travels!

1 comment:

  1. Soooooo happy to hear from you!! Boy you guys traveled far! I found rte 40 in OK. It's a shame you have to wiz thru, looks like there's a lot of Nat'l & State Parks there. Just this morning, I was able to find a post from My Pink Stamper (Robyn Cardon) in OK. She hasn't blogged since May 16th. Finally, today, she says OK had some pretty bad damage (she's in Moore--looks like just south of where you were, but she & her family were fine...just busy! What REALLY matters is that YOU guys are doing good! Hopefully, by now, you are thru "tornado alley" & cruisin' along. Here's wishing you a "good spot" to camp/rest & many, many more happy times! BTW, Thank you so much for the post card...just LOVE the ponies!
    CAN'T wait to see & hear more! Stay Safe....Love you BOTH! (AND MAKE SURE YOU EAT!!)
    Ma (&Matty, too!)
    P.S. No, Miriam...he's NOT behaving! He's just being "Matty"! hahaha
    P.P.S. Aunt Pat's Richie told me on the phone the other day...that he knows a sheriff in Alaska (Fairbanks, I think). JillMarie is following your blog & has sent Richie some of your pix. I will try to find out the sheriff's name & where he is, if I can.
    Love you!
