Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Enough food to sink a Buick?

So for those who have been listening to me freak out about packing and wondering "so what's Rob doing?" the last post was a far better illustration of the fact that he's been working his tail off then my explanation of "all the car stuff."  I am feeling really good about using a 20 year old whale-car to drive across, up, and down the country because of all the work he's put into it.  Truly a labor of love!

Sooo speaking of packing...not much else to report, I was running around the state a bit with appointments and trying to get bonds cashed (closing at 4 Newport Fed? Really? Not cool.) My mom stopped by after work because she's awesome and helped me get some of the food packed.  We'll be eating an awful lot of rice and quinoa, Rob gets to jazz it up with some pasta, woohoo! Other than beans we'll have to pick up most of our protein along the way, same with fruits and non-canned veggies.  That still leaves two large totes stuffed with food. It probably is overkill (it's not like there won't be stores along the way) but I hear "3 months camping" and the whole idea of shopping along the way gets lost in the motto so diligently memorized and live by "Be Prepared!" which apparently means having enough food for half the trip when we set out.  Oh well, like my habitual tardiness, I can say I come by it honestly. Speaking of which, thanks for the leftovers parental units! They are very much delicious. :)

Happy Trails

P.S. So Rob has a cool road name I see...any ideas for mine? Best idea gets the first postcard!

P.P.S Keep it PG-13 please. Yes, you know who you are! For shame, my parents are reading this!


  1. I don't know if these are places that you would be near or would enjoy visiting but I liked them both very much so I wanted to share the information with you.
    Red Rock Canyon is a National Conservation area near Vegas.
    Sonora Desert Museum is in Arizona and it is really a kind of zoo and it has 98 acres with walking paths and lots of wildlife and it's quite amazing. They are on facebook at their regular website is having problems and won't connect. I hope your trip is amazing and I look forward to reading about your adventures!
    Karen S.

    1. Thanks Karen! I have Red Rock Canyon on the list already...great minds you know :P. It really looks like a beautiful place.

      The Museum sounds awesome, I'll look it up and see if it's nearish to where we plan to be!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Hey Guys!!!
    Are you there yet?!?!? lol
    I'm soooo excited about your journey, that I feel like I'M GOING! I can't wait to read about your cool adventures & discoveries. I'll be checking here every day (blog is awesome, BTW--looks a lot like "someone elses--ahem!).
    Most important thing to remember is to HAVE FUN!! Things may sometime go wrong, slow you down or break, but look at it as a reason to stay a little longer in the spot you're at 'cause maybe you overlooked a new memory! I've said it before, I know, but FAIRFARREN..."Farewell, May you travel far under fair skies". And don't ever feel alone...we are ALL traveling with you! So get to it & GO ALREADY!!!
    Love you BOTH!
    Ma (Lau)
    P.S. Miriam...I came up w/a couple of handles for you, hope you pick one! I'm in desparate need of a post card...but NOT from N.J. please!!
    Moby's Mistress, Mrs. Roadkill, Right Hand Lady, No Fear Ms. Mear (short for Miriam), or Mear in High Gear
