Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Beginning the Great Pack!

Today we started packing in earnest, I printed out my master packing list, got a clipboard, highlighter and willing friend (Matt, you rock!) and spread gear out across the lawn.  It was a pretty daunting amount of stuff and there was still quite a bit missing.  I did manage to get the cooking, cleaning and camping gear mostly assembled. Most of the cooking gear has to get washed before it can actually be packed though...these are times I'd give my left pinky toe for a dish washer.  I may just steal someone elses come to think of it.

I also finished the screens for the back windows of the Buick. Since we'll mostly be sleeping in the car and would like some ventilation but aren't too keen on inviting in all the bloodsucking wildlife; I stuck velcro around the windows, then hot-glued the matching side to some window screen. Ta-Da! Instant removable car screens!  Unfortunately some of the velco bits are being contrary about sticking to the car trim, for the most part glue-dots have solved the problem but there are a few areas that might need more problem solving. Luckily the issue spots are on the little vent windows where the screens can stay on pretty much all the time. Still, I'm pretty proud of my handiwork.

Now Pictures!
Some of the places we'll be visiting in the first leg of our trip:

The Pine Barrens in New Jersey

Assateague Island  (Ponies!!!!)
Mammoth Cave

Happy Trails!


  1. There's stuff to see in New Jerksey? And that's not a typo...:P

  2. I told you one of my goals was to find something worthwhile in NJ! Also, Edison's lab (now a museum even though he was a jerk!), a warship turned into museum (battleship? aircraft carrier? it floats and blows things up), and some really sweet craft museums.
